
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Baby Day!

Saturday morning we got up nice and early to do chores. 
We had a date to go visit my daughter's puppy for the first time.
She can bring him home permanently in May.
But she was dying to meet him and give him a good cuddle asap.

I am proud to introduce Brandy.
Brandy is an English Springer Spaniel.
Alyssa was beyond thrilled with him.

Meeting her little pup was enough to make it the best day ever.
But Mother Nature had another surprise in the pasture for us when we got home.
Dear Hershey found the one wooded corner of her pasture to have her baby.

We went to work making sure Hershey had a nice big bowl of yummy nourishment so we could check the baby over and dip her umbilical cord.  We were thrilled to discover we had a baby girl.

We named her Kisses.
She nursed with a little help.

But almost immediately after we started working with Hershey we started
noticing signs of milk fever.
She was constipated.

She was not interested in food.
We checked her ears, but they were nice and warm.

Just to be on the safe side we decided to treat her for milk fever.
We moved her and her sweet baby girl up to the goat pen.
Hershey was too stirred up for us to get her temperature.
But we managed to get a tube of calcium paste into her.

 {I will create a more detailed post about milk fever in the future.
I will also explain more about the calcium paste.}

Hershey was not stumbling at all and her ears started to warm up.
We were hoping that the paste would be enough to get her through.

But early Sunday morning we went to check on her and found her resting with her
sternum on the ground {as pictured below} and stumbling when she tried to walk.
I took her temp while my husband called the vet.
It was 100.2 degrees.
I was a cold morning so my daughter had baby girl in one of her own sweatshirts.

An hour later, Hershey had her calcium IV and a Vitamin B shot.
Within an hour after the vet left she was not stumbling and her ears were warm again.
She was a little annoyed with us for all the poking and prodding.

When we came back to relieve a little pressure from her utter, she had forgiven us.
She stood nice and still for us to milk her a bit.

 We followed up with some more after care directions the vet left with us.
Hershey and Kisses are just fine and doing very well.

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